Friday, 21 September 2012

Forest School for my 4yr old Princess NOOOO

At my daughters little primary school a meeting was held today to explain about Forest School and I duly went along to find out what it was about!

I have never heard about Forest School and what they entail or what our children would be doing, so was amazed, horrified, worried and actually the child in me was just a little bit envious too.

For my gorgeous little Princess, who hates to get wet, is lucky to be able to attend Forest School sessions every week for one afternoon no matter the weather!

They have an area in the school grounds that is perfect for this, its been going for 3 years now at the school and I was amazed to see they will be letting them try so many new things, from climbing trees, under supervision using knifes and saws too, building fires and searching out bugs and small creatures, to making dens and just foraging in the fallen leaves, my gorgeous girly daughter will hate it.......well a little of me hopes she does, but then the other part of me hopes she loves it.

I have tried so very hard with my children not to show any negativity when it comes to spiders, snails, anything small in our home or garden and I tell them spiders are friends, for they catch and eat the flies that are a nuisance, I now hope it pays off and that she is far braver than I would ever of been at her age.

So here is hoping she is adventurous and loves getting muddy and finds the whole experience a positive one!

The photo is of Izzy holding a giant Beetle
We are so lucky to have this in our little local school and to me the whole school and village just gets better, the staff have a very positive outlook on the way the children are taught and how they can learn and try new experiences, I can't believe I put my name down to volunteer too, for I personally do hate getting muddy, but the little girl in me would love nothing better to jump in the mud and roll around but I would not like the mess I would have to clean up afterwards if that makes sense!

Forest School is going to be amazing and Izzy is a very lucky little girl to have this opportunity to experience!

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